What are the common sense of hepatitis B related nephritis?

Everybody knows about hepatitis B, but the hepatitis B virus associated glomerulonephritis is confused, that it is more common for don't know. Hepatitis B related nephritis is a common kidney disease in people's life, but not too many people to pay attention to, then what are the common knowledge of hepatitis B related nephritis?
The etiology and pathogenesis of hepatitis B or hepatitis B virus carriers complicated with renal damage are not fully understood. The immune system and immune pathology of hepatitis B virus immune complex deposition in the glomerular capillary loop caused by the injury. Hepatitis B virus infection, HBcAb, HBeAb, HBsAb has appeared in serum, but these antibodies appear in hepatitis B virus infection after May, so the hepatitis B virus can be a long time in a free state, prone to cracking. The pyrolysis products of a part of the polypeptide has been confirmed HBsAb epitopes, so these small dry cracking components and corresponding antibody immune complexes formed a relatively small molecular weight, it is possible to escape the removal of macrophages, and repeated deposition in the glomerular capillary loop, and then activate complement, immune damage.
There are a variety of pathological types of pathological type of hepatitis B virus associated glomerulonephritis, the most common type of membranous glomerulonephritis, others may still be seen membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, focal segmental mesangial hyperplasia or focal segmental glomerular sclerosis nephritis and IgA nephropathy. In the glomerular capillary wall and mesangial area of HBsAg, IgM, IgG, visible C3 deposition. Authors have also reported that HBeAg and HBcAg are deposited in glomeruli.
Urine test found a large number of red blood cells, and protein tube type; 24 hour urine protein amounted to more than 35 grams; fasting blood test of serum hepatitis B virus surface antigen or antibody positive, or infection by sensitive polymerase chain reaction test for hepatitis B virus positive reaction; renal tissue biopsy found is a membrane or membrane proliferation nephritis; or HBsAg, HBeAg, HBcAg and find the corresponding antibody from.
The above is for "hepatitis B Related Nephritis what common knowledge of what" detailed explanation, and hope that the above information can help everyone. The harm of this disease is not to be underestimated, so it is necessary for the patient to pay attention to it. No matter whether you are suffering from the disease or not, it is a serious attitude to the disease. Finally, I wish you a speedy recovery!



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