What are the symptoms of a chronic kidney disease in children?

With this disease, is a chronic disease, especially in the past two years, children have an increasing incidence of patients suffering, often systemic edema, and severe cases, the patient will have hematuria, any time of danger, for related symptoms, parents should strengthen the understanding and following the share is, children suffering from chronic kidney disease have what symptom.
One of the symptoms of chronic nephritis: swelling of the eyelids
In the course of the disease, the child often has symptoms of swelling of the eyelids after the morning session, but this is often overlooked because the swelling disappears after a child's activity. The kidneys excrete water and regulate the water, causing water and sodium to increase in children, and too much water in the loose tissues of the body, where the eyelids are loose.
The symptom of chronic nephritis two: hematuria
The appearance of this symptom is sometimes visible, and sometimes it must be checked by the hospital's professional examination method. Hematuria is the naked eye can see the hematuria, urine color is wash water meat, turbid and red, some children in urine with blood or blood clots; and microscopic hematuria is only under the microscope can be found, the number of red blood cells per high-power field is greater than 1.
Hematuria is the most common symptom in most children with chronic nephritis. Of course, hematuria is the cause of many, nephritis is only one of them. Therefore, when the family finds out that children have unexplained hematuria, they should seek medical attention in time. Follow the doctor's advice and check urine routine if necessary to rule out the possibility of renal hematuria.
Chronic nephritis symptoms three: increase in urine foam
In the course of clinical onset, the earliest symptoms of children is urine change, in which the increase in urine foam is the most common. Increase in urine foam, mainly small foam, and connected together, for a long time can not be dispersed, suggesting that children with urine protein, higher tension caused by. Of course, this symptom is poor in accuracy. If you do not have a certain medical knowledge, often by parents or children ignored. The easiest way is to check the urine at the hospital to rule out the possibility of albuminuria.
Through the above study, we have a new understanding of children's kidney disease symptoms, the parents in their daily lives, more should regularly observe the child's urine, if there are more bubbles in the urine, can bring the child to some regular hospital for examination and treatment, do not omit the child's condition.



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