What are the symptoms of kidney disease?

With the reform and opening up, people's living conditions have become better and better, and the quality of life is constantly improving, but people pay more attention to the body than before. Many people because of busy work, irregular diet, work overtime all night, causing kidney problems, and eventually lead to kidney disease. The expert expresses, suffer from kidney disease to want to go to a hospital in time to treat, so, after getting kidney disease, often show what kind of symptom?
What symptom does kidney disease exhibit normally?
1., urine abnormalities: due to decreased renal function, nephritis patients can appear oliguria (24 hours urine volume less than 400 ml) or no urine. If you take diuretics, you can have polyuria. In addition, renal insufficiency may also result in nocturia and urinary retention.
2.: glomerular damage, hypertension patients often lead to nephritis hematuria (microscopic or macroscopic both), pyuria and proteinuria and other symptoms. Proteinuria is more than 3.5 g / day, and is an important feature of glomerulonephritis.
3. renal edema: edema is the result of increased intercellular fluid volume, intercellular fluid volume increase is the result of water sodium retention, the main reason is that kidney disease resulting in reduced glomerular filtration rate, resulting in water and sodium excretion disorder, which appeared symptoms of renal edema.
4., renal colic, kidney pain: kidney colic is sudden, severe renal zone pain, intermittent or persistent attacks, and even paroxysmal exacerbation. Some patients may suffer from atypical renal colic, which is less severe or rapid relief of colic.
5., kidney enlargement: kidney lesions lead to abnormal increase in kidney volume, mainly unilateral renal swelling and bilateral renal swelling in two cases.
Many patients can not cure kidney disease, because it is unable to choose a good hospital, a good hospital for the treatment of kidney disease plays a very crucial role. Experts warm reminder: at present, the community on the treatment of kidney disease hospital, too numerous to mention. Patients in the choice of hospital, must not be careless, to really understand the hospital treatment of kidney disease effect, so as to strive for early cure kidney disease.



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What are the symptoms of kidney disease?