What are the usual signs of kidney disease when it arrives?

Core: edema: kidney is the main organ of the body to excrete water, when the kidneys are sick, resulting in moisture can not be excreted, retention in vivo, called renal edema. The degree of edema can be mild and heavy, with no visible edema, light weight gain (recessive swelling) or swelling at the eyelid in the morning. The person that weigh can be whole body apparent oedema, even have bosom, celiac fluid.
In real life, the treatment of many diseases, patients are always the habit of want to go to the best hospital, not to mention the treatment of kidney disease, many kidney disease, if a long time not to completely cure, patients should always bear the pain, and even eventually lead to uremia. So what signs do you usually have when kidney disease arrives?
What are the usual signs of kidney disease when it arrives?
Edema: the kidneys are the main organ of the body to excrete water. When the kidneys are diseased, the water can not be excreted and retained in the body. It is called renal edema. The degree of edema can be mild and heavy, with no visible edema, light weight gain (recessive swelling) or swelling at the eyelid in the morning. The person that weigh can be whole body apparent oedema, even have bosom, celiac fluid.
Abnormal urination: frequent urination, urgency, dysuria: frequent urination refers to increased urination, these three symptoms coexist is characterized by inflammation of the urinary system. Retention of urine: refers to voiding obstruction, resulting in urine retention in the bladder and can not be excreted. Many are associated with partial and complete obstruction of the urethra, and certain drugs and neurological diseases can also cause it. Incontinence: incontinence of urine from the urethra involuntarily.
Abnormal urine volume: oliguria and oliguria: oliguria refers to 24 hours urine less than 400ml. No urine refers to 24 hours urine less than 50-100ml. Oliguria and oliguria are mostly associated with renal failure. Polyuria: refers to 24 hours urine volume is more than 3000ml. The causes of polyuria include excessive water intake, tubular and renal interstitial lesions, increased renal drainage, and some substances in the body, such as glucose, excreted from the urine.
Lumbago: renal colic: pain suddenly occurs, often to the lower abdomen, vulva and thighs and other parts of the radiation, intermittent, severe angina. Often caused by ureteral stones, clots or necrotic tissue. Renal region blunt pain and distending pain: kidney pain caused by urinary system diseases, including two kinds: kidney swelling, traction, kidney membrane, or kidney disease caused by low back pain.

Any disease, timely and effective treatment, have a very important role. Even if you have a cold and a fever, it can be terrible if you don't get an effective treatment for a long time. For this disease, ordered too many patients hardly wished to live. disease, once infected, choose a regular hospital, in order to completely get rid of the trouble.



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