What is the symptom of kidney stone?

Kidney stones is the most common disease in kidney disease, kidney stones in renal pelvis stones, renal pelvis and renal pelvis and ureter junction, you may say these or not a very good understanding of this disease, I am speaking about its symptoms, so you will be very helpful to understand the disease, so the kidney what is the stone symptoms?
Some dissolved substances in the urine of normal people cause precipitation, retention in the kidneys, and continuous growth, resulting in the formation of stones. Kidney stones occur mostly in young adults, and men are more than women. Kidney stones may be present for long periods without symptoms, especially larger stones. Smaller stones range in motion. When small stones enter the pelvis, ureter, junction, or ureter, they cause severe peristalsis of the ureter to cause the stones to pass out, resulting in colic and hematuria.
The pain caused by kidney stones can be divided into dull pain and colic. 40% to 50% of the patients had a history of intermittent pain. Pain is often located in the waist and abdomen, most of which are paroxysmal or persistent pain. Some of the pain may only be manifested by lumbar acid distention and discomfort, and activity or labor may cause pain exacerbation or exacerbation. The kidney stone colic is serious knife like pain, often suddenly attack, the pain often radiates to the lower abdomen, the groin or the inside of the thigh, the female radiates to the labia minora.
Renal colic, patients showed acute tolerance, curled up in bed, his hands pressed abdomen and waist, and even rolling in bed, moaning about. The attack usually lasts for hours and can be relieved for a few minutes. When kidney colic is serious, the face is cadaverous, whole body has cold sweat, pulse is fine and rapid, even blood pressure drops, collapse state, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, constipation at the same time. When the angina attacks, the urine volume reduces, after the colic alleviates, may have the polyuria phenomenon.
Hematuria is another major symptom of kidney stones. Pain, often accompanied by gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria, after the majority, a large number of gross hematuria is not seen, hematuria after physical activity can be aggravated. Urinary stones can be expelled from the urine of patients with kidney stones, especially when pain and hematuria occur, and urine is mixed with sand or small stones. Obstruction or tingling when stones pass through the urethra. The common complications of kidney stones are obstruction and infection. Many cases are treated by urinary tract infection. Obstruction can cause hydronephrosis, with an upper abdominal or lumbar mass.
The above is the symptoms of kidney stones, if you do not understand this disease, through the introduction of the above, you are not aware of this disease, if found to have these symptoms must go to the hospital for examination and treatment of science, can not pay attention to this disease, because the active treatment, it will bring more kidney disease, more trouble, delay our work and study.



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