24-hour definition of urinary protein determination

Core Tip: 24-hour urine protein in the quantitative "24-hour urine output", is the morning of the first row of urine clean, from the second urine began to stay. Take a look at this time, remember the time until the next day of this time, for 24 hours. The 24 hours, every time all the urine, are placed in a container, mixed evenly, and then from the middle of 100 to 200 ml, get the hospital to test.
Kidney disease is due to irregular habits of patients caused by kidney damage caused by the impact of their own health. Many patients in the hospital, the doctor will speak 24 hours of urine protein, the patient is so confused, do not know what is meant by 24-hour urine protein. In this regard, kidney disease experts to the patient introduced a 24-hour urine protein determination of the definition.
24-hour definition of urinary protein determination:
24-hour urine protein in the quantitative "24-hour urine output", is the morning of the first row of urine clean, from the second urine began to stay. Take a look at this time, remember the time until the next day of this time, for 24 hours. The 24 hours, every time all the urine, are placed in a container, mixed evenly, and then from the middle of 100 to 200 ml, get the hospital to test.
Experts, clinically, to determine the occurrence of nephropathy, and more through the urine routine examination of urinary protein qualitative and quantitative indicators of two comprehensive judgments. Urine protein qualitative indicator is often said that the urine protein is negative or positive. If the urine protein test results are positive, the degree of response to nephropathy to see it with a few +. And quantitative determination of urinary protein is more accurate response to the subjects of renal function, commonly used diagnostic indicators that is 24 hours urine protein quantification.
Although 24-hour urinary protein quantification is a reliable indicator of whether or not nephropathy is occurring, it is inaccurate to determine that the subject has a nephropathy at an abnormal 24-hour urine protein quantitative test. In the clinical diagnosis of the occurrence of nephropathy, usually, the need for repeated urine routine examination. Through routine examination, the patient's urine routine examination results show that there are three or more 24-hour urine protein quantitative indicators were higher than the normal reference range, can determine the patient did occur in renal disease.
Many patients with kidney disease because of improper improper treatment, a serious impact on the patient's health. There are many types of kidney disease, and many of the symptoms are very similar, resulting in a lot of people can not correctly judge. 24-hour urine protein is a method of identification of kidney disease, is also a more commonly used method. Experts said that once the disease found, patients go to a professional hospital for examination, treatment, formal hospital treatment of kidney disease is guaranteed.



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