Definition of 24 hour urine protein determination

Core tip: 24 hours of urine protein in the quantitative "24 hours of urine volume", that is, the morning after the first urinate clean, from the second time the urine began to stay. Take a look at what time it is, and make a note of the time until second days at this time, for 24 hours. The 24 hours, every time all the urine, placed in a container, mixed evenly, and then take 100~200 ml from the middle, to the hospital for testing.
Kidney disease is caused by irregular living habits of the patient, resulting in kidney damage, affecting the health of their own. Many patients in the hospital check, the doctor will say 24 hours urine protein, the patient is therefore confused, do not know what the 24 hour urine protein mean?. In this regard, nephrology experts introduced the definition of 24 hour urine protein testing.
Definition of 24 hour urine protein determination:
24 hours of urine protein in the quantitative "24 hours of urine volume", that is, the morning after the first urinate clean, from the second time the urine began to stay. Take a look at what time it is, and make a note of the time until second days at this time, for 24 hours. The 24 hours, every time all the urine, placed in a container, mixed evenly, and then take 100~200 ml from the middle, to the hospital for testing.
Experts, clinical, to determine whether or not nephropathy occurs, through the routine examination of urine protein qualitative and quantitative two indicators for comprehensive evaluation. Qualitative index of uric albumen qualitative is to say commonly, uric albumen is negative or masculine gender?. If the urine protein test is positive, the condition of the kidney is seen to be accompanied by a few +. The urinary protein quantitative determination is more accurate in response to the renal function of the subject, and the commonly used diagnostic indicator is 24 hours urine protein quantification.
Although 24 hours of urine protein quantification is a reliable indicator of the occurrence of kidney disease, it is not accurate to determine the risk of kidney disease in a person who has undergone an abnormal 24 hour urine protein test. In clinical diagnosis of renal disease, routine urinalysis is usually required. By regular examination, the patient's urine routine examination showed that there were three times and above 24 hours urine protein quantitative indicators were higher than the normal range of reference, it can be determined that the patient did have a kidney disease.
A lot of patients with kidney disease because of improper treatment, seriously affected the health of the patient. There are many kinds of kidney diseases, and many of them are similar. Many people can not judge right. 24 hours urine protein is a way to identify kidney disease, but also a more commonly used method. Experts said that once found the disease, the patient should go to a professional hospital for examination and treatment, regular hospital treatment of kidney disease is guaranteed.



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