Is the symptoms of nephropathy and nephrotic syndrome the same?

Many people may think that kidney disease and nephrotic syndrome is two different diseases, in fact, they are a disease, nephrotic syndrome referred to as kidney disease, so that their symptoms are the same, then, patients with nephrotic syndrome will What are the symptoms? We know that kidney disease can lead to the emergence of urinary frequency, urgency and urinary protein.
However, nephrotic syndrome will not only appear above the symptoms, nephrotic syndrome is not an independent, but a group of clinical symptoms of glomerular disease. That is, it will appear a systematic symptoms, the disease is typical of a large number of proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema with or without hyperlipidemia diagnostic criteria should be a lot of proteinuria and hypoproteinemia. A large number of proteinuria is a feature of glomerular disease, renal vascular disease or renal tubulointerstitial disease in such a large number of proteinuria is rare.
Hypoproteinemia: This symptom is mainly manifested in malnutrition in nephrotic syndrome. The protein in the blood of the patient is mainly the hemoglobin contained in the plasma protein. Plasma proteins include fibrin, plasma albumin, various globulin, and a small amount of binding proteins such as glycoproteins, lipoproteins, etc., the total amount of 6.5 ~ 7.8g%. If the total plasma protein below 6.0g%, can be diagnosed with hypoproteinemia.
Hyperlipidemia: Nephrotic syndrome, the characteristics of abnormal fat metabolism, plasma most of the lipoprotein composition were increased, plasma total cholesterol (Ch) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-Ch) are increased performance, Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-Ch) and triglyceride (TG) also increased. High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-Ch) concentration can be increased, normal or decreased; HDL subtypes of the distribution of abnormal, that HDL3 increased and HDL2 decreased, indicating that HDL3 mature obstacles.
Proteinuria increased: the daily excretion of urine protein in the amount of no more than 150mg. Proteinuria is caused by increased glomerular filtration membrane damage caused. Normal glomerular filtration membrane on the plasma protein selective filtering effect, can effectively prevent the vast majority of plasma protein from glomerular filtration, only a very small amount of plasma protein into the glomerular filtrate.
Edema: low albuminemia to plasma colloid osmotic pressure decreased, water from the vascular cavity into the tissue space, is the main reason for edema.
In summary, the main explanation is the symptoms of nephropathy and nephrotic syndrome the same? Through the reading, we should know the answer to it, kidney disease and nephrotic syndrome is the same name of the same disease, so their symptoms are identical.



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