What are the common symptoms of kidney disease?

The word kidney disease believe that we are no stranger to it, the kidney is an important organ, if the kidney if the problem, the consequences will be very serious. However, according to statistics, in recent years the incidence of kidney disease increased year by year, kidney disease has become a major cause of human health. Therefore, everyone in their daily lives to pay more attention to kidney disease, to prevent it from taking advantage of Below the kidney disease experts on the common symptoms of kidney disease which are introduced, I hope to help you.
(1) edema. Renal edema caused by kidney disease, called renal edema. Edema is the most common manifestation of kidney disease. Edema, light only weight gain, do not see the way of edema, known as recessive edema; weight can increase the number of kilograms, and even accompanied by chest, peritoneal effusion. Renal edema often based on different mechanisms of edema are divided into the following two: ① nephritis edema: seen in a variety of glomerulonephritis. Edema for systemic general symptoms, eyelid, scalp and other loose tissue at the most significant. ② nephrotic edema: seen in nephrotic syndrome. Edema parts of the severity and position related to the body sagging parts of the edema, finger to press the edema of the site, depression can not afford, also known as depression edema.
(2) Hypertension. Renal disease caused by hypertension called renal hypertension, accounting for adult hypertension 5% to 10%. In secondary hypertension, renal hyperplasia accounted for the first, according to its different mechanisms can be further divided into two types of capacity-dependent and renin-dependent.
(3) kidney pain and renal colic. Some kidney disease can cause renal capsule by traction caused by dull pain, such as acute and acute nephritis, pyelonephritis, kidney tuberculosis, polycystic kidney and so on. Most patients with kidney pain can endure. Renal colic is a sudden onset of severe pain in the waist and abdomen, and to the genitals, thighs inside the radiation, pain caused the patient was disturbed, unbearable. Renal colic mainly seen in the kidney, ureteral calculi incarcerated, or clot necrotic tissue obstruction of the ureter and so on.
(4) urinary tract irritation sign. Mainly manifested as urgency (Biebu urine), frequent urination (ten times a day or more), dysuria or urine is not a sense, often accompanied by abdominal pain, mainly seen in urinary tract infection, urinary tract stones, tumors and prostate Inflammation and so on.
(5) abnormal urination. Including urine and urine test abnormalities.
More than five symptoms of kidney disease is common some symptoms, I hope you can remember these symptoms, early life if you find yourself or their loved ones have a similar situation, we must promptly sent to the regular hospital for examination, if not kidney disease that Better, if yes, should be treated immediately, so as not to delay the disease.



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