What are the most common symptoms of kidney disease?

Since the twentieth century, people entered the computer age, the continuous development of the network greatly changed people's way of life. The network has become the most important channel for people to obtain information, many patients with kidney disease are also more popular through the network and experts online communication, and asked the most question is: suffering from kidney disease, the most common symptoms of what?
What are the most common symptoms of kidney disease?
A: low back pain: no clear reason for the back pain, this time patients should go to the regular kidney hospital to check the kidneys, spine and back muscles.
2: nocturia: normal within 60 years of age, generally should not have nocturia, if young people increase in nocturia, is likely to be an early manifestation of renal dysfunction.
Three: edema: wake up in the morning after the eyelids or facial edema, afternoon more than subsided, tired after the increase, reduce after the break. Severe edema will appear in the medial ankle, lower limbs, lumbosacral and so on.
Four: urine discoloration: urine was thick brown, washed meat samples, soy sauce or muddy, such as Taomi Shui, the immediate treatment.
Five: urine bubble and more, do not disappear for a long time. This indicates that the urine excreted more protein.
Six: excessive urine or too little: normal urine output of 1500 ml per day, 4-8 times a day. If there is no fever, a lot of sweating, a lot of water, etc., urine volume suddenly increased or suddenly increased, we must go to the hospital to check to see if it is kidney disease.
Experts point out: expert online consultation way to provide patients with a great convenience, but also a more efficient way. But online counseling itself can not be ignored defects, experts can not face patients, can only give patients a certain guidance. Is far less than the purpose of healing, coupled with the information on the network good and bad, the best treatment of kidney disease or to go to formal professional hospital.



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What are the symptoms of kidney disease?