What are the symptoms of gout kidney?

We should have heard of the great harm of gout kidney, also know that, as long as found gout kidney, it should be timely to the regular hospital for treatment. But we have specific symptoms of gout for what is not a special understanding, of course, can not be found in the life of the disease in a timely manner, and often is the result of the emergence of gout kidney, so as to the patient's life and work to bring great trouble. Here we look at what symptoms of gout kidney?
What are the symptoms of gout kidney:
First, renal symptoms are symptoms of gouty kidney disease: arthritis, often in the spirit of tension, fatigue, meal, alcohol, infection, etc. induced. The most common involvement of the joints is the toes and foot toe joints, followed by ankles, hands, wrist, knee and elbow, manifested as sensory allergies, joints, red, swollen, hot, pain, repeated episodes may have joint deformity, stiffness , Limited activities. In addition, the auricle subcutaneous tissue can be found in the wind stone. Joint capsule near the capsule, tendon sheath can also be found in the gout kidney.
Second, uric acid stones symptoms: clinical manifestations of unilateral or bilateral renal colic, gross hematuria, urinary frequency, urgency and dysuria and other bladder irritation symptoms, dysuria, urinary flow interruption, and even sudden urinary closure. Statistics show that about 15 to 30% of primary gouty kidney disease and 35 to 40% of secondary gout occurs uric acid stones.
Third, early patients can be asymptomatic: acute gouty kidney disease can be reflected in the clinical practice of oliguria, anuria, the rapid development of azotemia. Chronic can only urine abnormalities, such as mild proteinuria, microscopic see a small number of red, white blood cells, or a large number of uric acid deposition in the renal medulla caused by interstitial nephritis, renal concentration dysfunction.
I hope that the above description of this issue will help you. If you know the symptoms of gout kidney found on the basis of suffering from the disease, it should be timely treatment, this is still a great opportunity to restore health. Experts said that the prevention of gout kidney alone is not enough effort alone, and only we work together to prevent, it is possible to timely out of our lives out of the circle, the early recovery of a happy life.



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