What are the symptoms of kidney disease

Now with the gradual progress of science and technology, many people think that no matter what kind of disease, according to the current medical technology, is certainly the fastest cure. So many people are gradually neglected the importance of health. But kidney disease is not the case, kidney disease is very difficult to cure in the country. When it comes to this, after suffering from kidney disease, what signs?
What are the symptoms of kidney disease?
Edema: the kidneys are the main organs of the body to discharge moisture, when the kidney is sick, resulting in water can not be excreted, retention in the body, known as renal edema. The degree of edema can be light and heavy, light no visible edema, only weight gain (recessive edema) or slightly swollen in the morning eyelids. Severe cases can be significantly edema, and even chest, peritoneal effusion.
Dysuria: urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria: urinary frequency refers to the increase in the number of urination, the three symptoms of urinary system inflammation is the characteristic of coexistence. Urinary retention: refers to urinary obstruction caused by urine in the bladder and can not be discharged. More with the urethral part and complete obstruction, some drugs and nervous system diseases can also cause. Urinary incontinence: refers to the urine involuntary from the urethra overflow.
Abnormal urine output: oliguria and anuria: oliguria refers to 24 hours less than 400ml urine output. No urine refers to 24 hours urine output less than 50-100ml. Oliguria and anuria are mostly associated with renal failure. Polyuria: refers to 24 hours urine output greater than 3000ml. Polyuria due to excessive water intake, renal tubules and renal interstitial lesions, increased renal drainage and some substances in the body (such as glucose, etc.) excreted from the urine and so on.
Low back pain: renal colic: sudden pain, often to the lower abdomen, vulva and thigh medial and other parts of the radiation, was intermittent severe colic. Often caused by ureteral stones, blood clots or necrotic tissue obstruction. Kidney dull pain and pain: urinary system diseases caused by kidney pain, including two: kidney swelling caused by kidney capsule or kidney disease caused by low back pain.
Professional treatment of nephropathy in the hospital can be very good to help you patients with nephropathy comprehensive treatment, but also can help patients long-term control of the disease, to ensure that the disease will not deteriorate again. So you must carefully choose a kidney disease patients with a good hospital treatment of kidney disease, choose a good hospital, that is, kidney disease patients recovered half of the disease.



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What are the symptoms of kidney disease?